Monday, July 30, 2007


Quick post... finally got this editted, although I thought I recorded more than I actually ended up getting. So basically the clip is of each babies heartbeat and a little bit of them during the ultrasound I had the beginning of July at 24 weeks. (has audio)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Nursery - Done!

Well... almost. We still need to get a couple of cribs and some misc. items...
But Paco was in town last week and he helped immensly by finishing a dresser that was given to us by our friends. It was unfinished, plain wood when we got it, and Dad transformed it into this.
He also helped with the painting of the room.
This pic shows the colors we chose and the finished dresser...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

24 week check up

Went for my 24 week checkup on Thursday and all is progressing nicely.
Got some pics and video of the ultrasound. I'll post the video as soon as I can edit it. In the meantime here are some pictures.
This time Baby A - the Girl (top) was hiding behind a membrane so it's not a real clear picture. Baby B - the Boy (bottom) was out in the open and we got a good view of him.
Both were punching and kicking away all during the procedure.

Baby A: 1lb. 10oz
Baby B: 1lb. 11oz
Weight Gain to date: 30 lbs.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th!

Hold on to your britches - this is an EXCITING post...
We finally got the closets done and they look pretty good - If I do say so myself!
This is the finished Baby's room closet. Plenty of room for all the stuff we have to load up on in the next few months.
I go for my 24 week ultrasound tomorrow. Hope to have some pictures to show you.
Stay tuned...