The twins had their 4 month check up the beginning of the month, but because Ben was starting to get sick and had a slight fever their shots were postponed two weeks. Then Miss Audrey caught her brothers cold and we postponed their shots another week. Everyone ended up getting sick, but for some reason the Cold Gods were good to me and I was able to dodge the cough, stuffy nose, aches and fever!
In the meantime I took them to the polls for the history making primaries. I held Audrey as I voted, being very proud as a registered voter, woman and mother. We also celebrated their first Valentine's day and more importantly, prepared ourselves for their nanny.
(click on pic to enlarge)
I go back to work in a week and we decided to go the nanny route instead of daycare. Leila, who is Persian and lives the next town over, started this week. The babies love her already, which makes my going back to work a little less stressful knowing they are in such good hands.The twins are more and more active. They are both on the verge of rolling over, they babble - (especially Miss Audrey, who I'm afraid will take after her father with the gift of gab!), they are intentionally grabbing objects and tracking everything in their sight. Ben raises his right arm for high five at every opportunity. In a week or two we'll introduce solids - can't wait for that fun :P!
We are now getting ready for another Grandparent hand off for the month of March as Grandma C gets her second tour of duty!
Here's some more pics from the month: