They both we
I must admit, albeit quite biased, that the two of them are quite Adorable. (notice capital A!) You just want to squeeze them and their cute little chunky cheeks.
But I digress...
Audrey weighed in at 18lbs. 15 oz. and was in the 50th percentile for weight and height.
Ben weighed in at 19lbs. 15 oz. - a full pound bigger than Audrey, and was in the 50th percentile for weight and 60th for length. He's growing like a madman.
Some people have been confused about the percentile and what it means:
Percentiles rank the position of an individual by indicating what percent of the reference population the individual would equal or exceed. For example, on the weight-for-age growth charts, a 9 month old girl whose weight is at the 25th percentile, weighs the same or more than 25 percent of the reference population of 9 month old girls, and weighs less than 75 percent of the 9 month old girls in the reference population.
If you land on the 50% mark as ours do, you're pretty much right on target for what a healthy baby should be at their stage of development - 50% of population is bigger, 50% is smaller. Granted if they would be higher or lower, that really doesn't make much difference either, unless mentally they are lagging behind. Fortunately we are right on target all the way around!
As July marches on we are preparing for our travels back East and can't wait to see the faces of all the friends and family who will be meeting the twins for the first time...
Wondertwins June