It's been a very exciting year for all of us to say the least. Watching them grow, discover and amuse is a continuous reminder of just how blessed we really are.
Their one year check up went well. Audrey continues to have a height advantage while Ben is packing in the pounds.
Audrey: 29 1/2 in. 20lbs. 2oz.
Ben: 29 in. 21 lbs.
The doctor was very impressed on their progress and mentioned that their pointing at objects is a major milestone in their development. Ben is obsessed with pointing at things he wants while Audrey can point - but she would rather say the words (or what sounds like words) than physically have to point for what she wants. She is also signing her first words: milk and ball.
Ben is still not walking but we are convinced he can and will just as soon as he gets over his fear of standing on his own.
Audrey still has a ways to go before she'll walk, but she's getting stronger day by day and I'm starting to believe she'll walk before Ben if she continues progressing at the rate she's going. Both love to walk while pushing their little toys around so maybe they'll both be walking by Thanksgiving?!
As we prepare for the Holiday season we are looking forward to the next milestones and enjoying each new discovery along with them.
Here's some links to our past month's events:
September Wondertwin pics
1st Birthday pics