Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mountain of Cute

Audrey & Ben are on the verge of turning 17 months old.
They have hit so many milestones over the last 17 months it makes my head spin. They are now looking and acting like little people. Gone are the baby days. Dave was mentioning how he feels nostalgic when he sees people with infant babies. Those baby months go by so quickly. You wake up one day and they seem to have morphed into these little people overnight. They are a mountain of cuteness. Ben laughing uncontrollably over the simplest gesture that you may do, Audrey repeating every word you say in one form or another in her cute little toddler voice. Audrey is talking up a storm. One of Ben's favorite things to do is dance. So I'm posting some of these moments for all to witness.
The first is Audrey on a typical day... babbling away. She has full on conversations with herself and absolutely loves saying "Hi Paco!" It must tickle her mouth as she gets into a groove and doesn't stop...

This next one is Ben wearing his favorite shirt. If you even mention spiderman while he's wearing the shirt he stops what he's doing and points to it. On this occasion he spontaneously started dancing - something he enjoys doing - and does well I may add!
He still isn't pronouncing his words very well, but fully understands what you are saying to him. He likes getting into trouble by playing with the blinds and pulling open drawers. If you listen closely in this clip you can hear the endless babbling of Audrey in the background...

They have mastered walking, beginning to run and climbing whatever they can get their little legs on. At night all we have to say is "ready for bed?" and they run like rabbits to the stairs, climb them and play happily in their cribs until they fall asleep. Lucky us. I wonder how long that will last and they begin to rebel? Don't get me wrong, there are times when the whining is deafening and turning on Elmo seems the only respite. But despite the occasional outbursts, they remain a mountain of cute.