Spring has sprung in the southland. We are enjoying some warm weather and the longer days are giving us just a little more daylight to enjoy it.
The wondertwins are a year and a half old. We went for their 18 month checkup this week. As in the past, they are both on schedule and developing right on track.
Audrey is in the 70th percentile for her height and 20th for weight - still long and lean. And Ben is keeping up by being right in the middle - 50th percentile for height and 10th percentile for weight.
height: 32.5 in.
weight: 22.4 lbs.
height: 32.25 in.
weight: 22.3 lbs.
Audrey is spewing out new words by the minute. She still loves to jabber away and repeat any words - both Dave and I are realizing the need to edit ourselves and be aware of what we say!
Ben still loves to laugh out loud and test the boundaries as well as his Mom and Dad's patience. Where Audrey excels in vocabulary, Ben excels in engineering. Stacking blocks and making bubbles are two skills he's mastered quickly.
As Spring spreads it's wings we are looking forward to watching the next milestones evolve.
click here for latest Wondertwin pics