Audrey and Ben are 2 years old!
We celebra
And just when we thought they would never get them out of their vocabulary and we would go mad watching Elmo and Cars - Ben throws us a curve ball. His new obsessions are Superman and Tinkerbell. It happened almost overnight and I sense a trend emerging.
"S!", "Superman FYYE" , " Superman Fye in Sky" "TinkerBewl" "Tinkerbewl Fyye" Ben repeats over and over until we validate him.
Audrey is just happy to sing songs and doesn't concern herself with the bantering of the same words over and over. That's Ben's realm!
We went for their 2 year checkup this week and both are still on a nice track of growth. Audrey is 1/2 inch taller and 5/10ths pound heavier than Ben, but I think he's gaining as we speak.
They each got two shots this time around - Hepatitis booster and the flu shot - Ben hardly flinched for both shots, completely shocking the nurse who is sadly the bearer of pain to unsuspecting children. He just gave her a look like: "what the hell?" I guess he's taking some lessons from superman?!
Height 34.25 in.
Weight 25.6 lbs.
Height 33.75 in.
Weight 25.1 lbs.
Fall has peeked into our world this week with a cold spell and yes - actually rain! Both are welcome as far as I'm concerned as it helps prepare one for the holiday seasons...
And maybe the next obsession? Santa!
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