Our Wondertwins from my perspective are truly Yin and Yang. We are reminded of that on a daily basis. Besides the obvious boy/girl differences, I am hard pressed to find much if anything that they totally agree on or share physically.
Our yearly checkup to the doctors and dentist has arrived and we have plenty of news for Our Wondertwins. Their Yin and Yang showed up once again in most all of their results.
Audrey is continuing as normal gaining weight and height and sticking around the 60-70 percentile. No surprises there. She has had what we believe is allergies for quite some time - stuffy nose, slight cough in morning. As a result her ears were a bit clogged for her hearing test and she was unable to hear the lowest tones. It was recommended that we give her Sudafed daily and follow up in a few months to make sure there is no permanent hearing loss. The doctor wasn't too concerned as she speaks perfectly. She certainly can zone out quite easily and now she has an excuse for it: she just can't hear us! :)
Her Dentist checkup went well as she received a tooth score of 94 out of 100. Good genes, good eating and good brushing habits are certainly reflecting in her teeth. Given that though, the dentist feels, looking at her bite, that the orthodontist is in her future for sure.
Weight: 40 lbs.
Height: 42.25"
Ben is a whole different story, and as our dentist reminds us, even though they are siblings, it is common to have a very different experience. Yin and Yang. Not sure who is which though!
He is gaining weight and height, but still at a very slow level- hovering around 20 percentile for height and 5 for weight. Given his eating habits, this comes as no surprise. We need to continue to encourage him to stuff his face and follow up again in a few months. His hearing was perfect, so no excuses for him!
His Dentist checkup didn't fair as well, as he received a 74 out of 100. Poor eating habits, bad genes, along with poor brushing habits are certainly reflecting in his teeth. He also has 3 teeth loose that he'll be loosing shortly, one upper and two lower. The tooth fairy will be working overtime for him this year!
Weight: 35 lbs.
Height: 41.25"