Monday, September 17, 2007

Slammer Time

At my Doctor appt. on Friday I ended up having slightly elevated blood pressure reading and was admitted into the hospital for overnight evaluation. The doctors wanted to make sure I didn't have pre-eclampsia and had me stay overnight where they tested my blood pressure every half hour. (oooo fun)
Fortunately my bp came down quickly and stayed down for the duration and I was allowed to go home the next day.
But, as a result I'm on complete bedrest until these guys come out. According to the OB, they are going to keep a close eye on me and deliver at the first sign of distress. Looks like the longest they are willing to push it is week 37 which is in 2 weeks. We are all hoping that I can last that long!
The good news is that they did a stress test on the babies on Friday and again in the hospital and they both were doing great - hearts beating in synch so much that it mystified the nurses.
We'll keep you all posted!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the news. Where all praying for you and the twins (and David too) from Ohio!

Rest up now while you can. Although, fifty pounds around the waist can't be all that comfortable even while "resting".

Anonymous said...

I need to run spell check next time!

Anonymous said...

Take care Carolyn, all will be well and soon you will be holding your gorgeous babies! Our thoughts are with you.

Patty, Ken, and Riley Rose