We had a whirlwind summer with visiting family and family
It started off with Grandma C. visiting once again in June, a visit from Brother Dan & the clan in July, and ended with our trip back East in August for the twins' christening and meeting just about everyone else in the family.
Needless to say we're all tired and have barely any time to catch our breath before the next big event: Their 1st birthday!!!
The questions are repeated over and over through out the ages...
Can you believe it - a year has passed!!? Where does the time go!!!?
The last few months Ben & Audrey have grown and developed in leaps and bounds. Ben is cruising around now and is hours away from taking his first official step. Audrey and Ben both like to pull themselves up and stand by the coffee table. Both are proficient at crawling (Ben is finally using his knees!) and both are jabberhaulics. Saying words like "cat" and "ball", mama"" and "dada" and of course "no!"
They are saying much more than that, as both can have entire conversations with themselves, but it's hard to decipher their language at this point! :P
Both are doing well with eating solids, although Ben with his eight teeth has double the advantage over Audrey with half as many teeth. Plus he definitely has more of an appetite when it comes to toast and crackers!
We're looking forward to their 1st birthday as all the grandparents will be back to celebrate, just as they did for their birth.
Then it's on to the next season and the next year and more exciting adventures!
Click here for wondertwin pics in July
Cick here for wondertwin pics in August
1 comment:
I've been dieing to see new pics the last few months. Hope to see you at Braddoc's 2nd birthday party! ~Tiffani
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