The twins are health
Last year at this time we were getting less than a few hours of sleep at a time. So I am certainly thankful for a full nights rest.
If you ask Dave, he will additionally be thankful for a new and improved government with a conscience awaiting us in the new year!
Despite my want to update this blog more often to keep up with our daily adventures, life just won't stand still long enough for me to do it. So once a month will have to suffice until I thankfully get some more free time. ha.
But aside all that, Ben and Audrey have not disappointed and both have had several new milestones this past month.
As I predicted in my last post, both are walking. Sort of... Ben has had a solid grasp of the concept for several weeks now. He can actually stop, start and travel fairly long distances at a good clip, barring any obstacles under foot. He still needs help pulling himself up to a standing position, though. Audrey took her first steps just this past week and is slowly learning how to put one foot in front of the other. But even given her inability to walk very far, she can easily stand up on her own. Her thigh muscles must be so strong as she gets a kick out of doing squats. It makes her smile and giggle.
Both love books, music and Elmo.
Ben is now playing peek a boo and clapping, something that Audrey has been doing for months now.
Ben has almost all his teeth and Audrey is just barely getting started.
Bottom line is, although they are brother and sister twins, they are far from similar.
We continue to be entertained by double the fun and worn down by double the need for attention. But we wouldn't want it any other way, thankfully.
Here's pics from our October
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