January 9, 2011.
The day that will go down in Infamy!!!!!!
(At least in this Mom's books.)
That is the day that our Ben said no to diapers and went full force, head strong and all or nothing into wearing big boy underwear!!! Woot!!!!
And there was no looking back. It's been a long haul, I must admit. But even given that it took a full year of fits and starts, when he put his mind to it, he did it with ease and excitement.
For all you who say - "yawn - big deal." I tell you in my opinion, it is probably the single most biggest deal in their little lives since they started breathing on their own. It is that big for me, and made my year...
Now if only his sister would follow suit.
By everyone's account, Girls were supposed to be the easy one's. If you made me place a bet when they turned 2 of who be the first to be potty trained, I would have jumped at the odds and shouted Audrey! The girl of course! Ben, with his clingy, almost shy nature would never delve into uncharted ground without his sister paving the way. Audrey's head strong will to be independent would surely entice her to want to be free and clear of the baby hand cuffs called diapers.
Now given the results, I realize I would have lost the house - and all the diapers in it.
So I'm setting another goal for Audrey. April 2nd 2011. It is their 3 1/2 year birthday. I have faith she can do it. I just hope she is up to the task and uses some of her independence to embrace the big girl underwear. Because I fear the alternative, I have no choice but to bet she will break us free of diapers for yet another day of infamy!
What would the odds be this time around?
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