Funny how while you are young every month is counted, especially when 1/2 the year is up. You don't hear too many adults celebrating their half birthday. :)
This milestone was one I was particularly curious about as I had read at 2 1/2 years you should be able to double their height and get an estimate on how tall they will ultimately be.
We had no official doctors visit for this milestone, but unfortunately since we started daycare they've been consistently sick. (Ben got pneumonia two weeks into the new schedule of daycare and they both have had ear infections and colds to boot) :(
Given that, we have had updates on their weight and getting the height these days is fairly easy...
Here's the results:
height: 35 1/2 in.
weight: 29.4 lbs.
height: 35 in
weight: 29 lbs.
If you double the height we are looking at a whopping
5'11" for Audrey
5'10" for Ben
Well have to wait a while to see if that comes to fruition!
At least it's documented and we can refer to the results in another 20 years...
In the meantime we are enjoying all that the wondertwins are throwing at us. Step by step we've been experiencing much more talking and conversing and of course the "terrible two" issues of sharing (or rather NOT sharing) and temper tantrums. It's great watching them interact with each other. They enjoy singing and dancing with each other, as well as chasing each other ad nausium.
New milestones include: Ben is officially out of his crib and into a "big boy bed" - something that happened a bit sooner than we expected due to him leaping out of his crib one evening and finding him sleeping on the floor. Most exciting for me is both are binky free!!!! Funny too how just the little steps are just as exiting to us as the big ones!
3 is just around the corner and I'm sure we'll experience much more as the years fly by!
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