And in speedy
We ended up going to Chuck E. Cheese, as they requested, and Paco joined us for a last minute surprise weekend visit. They had a great time and came home to two cakes of their choosing.
Batman/Superman for Ben, Cinderella for Audrey.
We dutifully went to their yearly dentist checkup followed immediately by their 3 year doctor check up.
Both went great and with a sigh of relief had great marks for their teeth and their 3 year old abilities. They have taken to flossing like pros - especially surprising as their parents barely started flossing in their 30's. And given their sicknesses in the beginning of the year, they both were very familiar with going to see Dr. Stern, whom they love as she showers them with hugs and kisses. Hopefully all this medical pampering will help them in their later years.
Audrey is still taking the lead in the height, but Ben has taken her over in weight this time...
Height: 37 in.
Weight: 28.4 lbs.
50th percentile height 30 percentile weight - The doctor claims she'll be tall and lean. That would be fine I'm sure by Audrey!
Height 36 3/4 in.
Weight: 29.2 lbs.
He's hovering around the 40th percentile for both height and weight - a big boost from past checkups.
We hit many milestones during their 3rd year on Earth and are, as always, looking forward to the next milestones...
As the holiday season draws near we are hoping the year ends with a big gift for Mom & Dad - a diaper free zone. So far Ben is making leaps and bounds while Audrey is barely sizzling. So keep your thoughts and prayers not only for a healthy season, but also a milestone in potty training!
(fingers crossed!!!)
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